Saturday, November 16, 2013


Hi, I'm Todd. Welcome to my new blog.

I hope Unforgotten Grace stuns you, causes you to think in new ways, makes you mad at times, causes you to marvel at beauty, entertains you, and leads you to love the things and people you love better than you love them today.

I've blogged for years, for organizations I have led or represented. I like to think I have found a blogging voice - short paragraphs, intentionally leading questions, 'reframes' - new ways of putting things we think we have figured out. I'll be writing about reframing a lot.

I'll reveal a lot of myself to you in these pages. In the past, I've blogged mostly on behalf of organizations - now, it's just me. 

I don't follow any party line and I don't owe nobody nuthin' except for love and respect.

You'll learn about what I value and care about, what makes me weep and pound the table and laugh and tear up.

You'll hear about my wife and the five boys we have between us.

You'll hear about the jobs I hold and have held in a lot of different realms of life - pastor, organizational consultant, writer, small business owner, professional speaker.

You'll read about books and writers I love and books I have written and am writing, music I care about, places and spaces I love, controversies that matter to me.

Yeah, there will be some controversy. Probably sooner rather than later.

But it won't be controversy for controversy's sake - it will all serve to bring truth to light and to create reframes for all of us.

I trust we'll have fun together. 

Maybe we'll be part of changing the world in some small way.

I'd love for you to follow me on Twitter and friend me on Facebook - you can do that over there to the right.

I'll get things rolling tomorrow by explaining why I named this blog Unforgotten Grace.

So, here we go....thanks for being here for the start.

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